Equipment and Services

Equipment and Services

Eyegaze Edge®
The world’s most advanced eye-driven communication device. Much of what alternative gaze-based communications devices “can do” are much the same in terms of speech, internet, computer programs, and home control applications. At the same time, there are significant differences in the core eyetracking instruments that perform the critical function of measuring precisely where the user is looking. For people with disabilities, reliable long-term use is the most critical capability of any AAC device. Low fatigue, high accuracy, and atypical eye condition accommodations outweigh advantages of any IT application.
The Eyegaze Edge® works by using a special eye tracking camera mounted below the Eyegaze Edge screen observes one of the user’s eyes.
Sophisticated image processing software analyzes the camera’s images 60 times each second and determines where the user is looking on the screen.
Nothing is attached to the user’s head or body.